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7.5mm HardiGroove

The durable and elegant vertical joint (VJ) sheet panels.

Create beautiful and stylish interior walls, ceilings, eaves and soffits with HardieGroove™ Lining – a durable fibre cement VJ sheet panel that gives the look of tongue and groove timber with the durability of fibre cement. The elegant, uniform panels are free of knots and won’t shrink or swell with moisture, unlike timber or craft wood VJ panels. Ideal for use in living areas, hallways and other high traffic areas, as HardieGroove is hard-wearing and resistant to damage from moisture it can also be used in kitchens, laundries and bathrooms (excluding showers). The V-grooves carved into the sheets are 2.5mm deep and spaced 100mm apart. The half groove edges create near invisible butt joins.
Name Description Size
hardiegroove installation guide.pdf hardiegroove installation guide 399 Kb
hardiegroove physical properties.pdf hardiegroove physical properties 34 Kb
hardiegroove warranty.pdf hardiegroove warranty 59 Kb
best practice.pdf best practice 324 Kb
fire rated application guide.pdf fire rated application guide 1.11 MB
fire rated technical specification.pdf fire rated technical specification 1.80 MB
james hardie product brochure.pdf james hardie product brochure 6.60 MB
james hardie product guide.pdf james hardie product guide 6.85 MB
wet area construction guide.pdf wet area construction guide 8.29 MB
bracing design guide.pdf bracing design guide 3.18 MB
hardie_fibre_cement_products_sds_apr22.pdf james hardie fibre cement sds 155 Kb